Saturday, February 27, 2010

Scene One: Trinidad Wining Guide and New REbel dance "Palance"

With Trinidad Carnival just finishing and Labor day coming up in some months, I'm sure some of you wonder how can you "wuk up and wine" to Soca on the parkway. I found this funny but true Trinidadian guide how to "get on" this year. Look out for this song for the parkway Road March PAAAAAAAAALANNNCCCCCCEEEE thee hottest song this year which I had on a prior playlist by pLAY-sis. Check the vid by JW & Blaze below. Big up the Trini Massive!!!


Anonymous said...

lmao, this is funny GT crew bup bup

DARLINGdra-pLAY-sis said...

Blup Blup :) T&T