Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Scene Two: "I got you" Bubble Vest

I went out with some MALE friends last night and it was such an amazing night..alot of unexpected shit hehe well we was all talking fashion and style and I got of feel of each of their style of clothing, each of them had their own steeze going on. I love that, I hate seeing males with their friends all dressing the SAME guy in particular noted he wanted a bubble vest particularly Moncler...this isn't quite Moncler but its insane check the hood and giant zipper all the way up by Duvetica...I got you :)


Anonymous said...

vest is 2 doooooooopee. mite have to cop where can i cop yo

DARLINGdra-pLAY-sis said...

Google that bish lol..appreciate ya comments ;)

DARLINGdra-pLAY-sis said...

:) got some more stuff in store for the fellas