Michelle Obama is the epitome of grace, beauty and of course intellect. I am so proud that she is representing us so eloquently. Mrs. Obama I salute you. You are a such an inspiration to all woman and especially black woman. We are often portrayed in the media as neck poppin, angry,having a attitude problem and uneducated. Mrs.Obama is a true representation of what many of us are. Strong, educated,passionate, deeply loyal and fiercely supportive of our men. Listening and seeing Mrs.Obama address the nation brought tears to my eyes. Mrs.Obama you are doing us so proud. Michelle Obama you are our First Lady.
I totally agree with Kat on this one, Michelle Obama is the definition of Class. I wish i could meet a girl like her instead of one whose only interests are gucci and fendi smh.
Thoughts?? p.s. check out more of Kats blogs @ www.katskatwalk.blogspot.com
ok i totally cried and agree 100% on everything you said she makes us as a people look so good she carries herself wit such class when they get into tha office hopefully stereotypes of us BLACK woman would change-and shes THE FIRST LADY REAL LADY IF U CATCH MY DRIFT N I JUS LOVE LIL SASHA(daughter)-PLAYSIS
i often say i look up to no one, never had a hero/role model, but ever time Michelle Obama speaks i cant help to listen and be in awe of her. she carries herself so well and apart from being the next first lady, she has accomplished so much on her own. must agree with Playsis, i cant wait to see all stereotypes of BLACK WOMAN gone!!! "YES WE CAN!!!"
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