Senator Barack Obama's speech tonight was nothing less than moving, as he re-assured America he will be the ideal leader and help us out of the current slump we're in. The Future President also blasted John McCain for his nonchellant acts with the current economy stating that McCain thinks that the recession is just mental and Americans are just "A Nation of Whiners". Barack quickly blasted him fighting back by saying that he should tell that to the proud workers and military families, the hard workers that go out there and give a 110 percent everyday without a single complaint. This speech marked history and will be very memorial to me, for me to experience history like this at first sight is truly a blessing. This man is an inspiration and personally now one of my idols and has won my vote over time and time again, and this speech just solidified that even more. For those of you that missed it here you go a few videos of history in the making...and once again i can't stress the fact enough get off your lazy behinds n get to the polls instead of dancing on them n cast your vote for the MAN OF THE PEOPLE BARACK OBAMA!!!!!! GOOD NIGHT PPL

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