These Diors ARE to Die For...kinda makes Diet Butcher seem like they were making a spinoff
ahh these came out fall of 07...but they're timeless!

Raf Simons...very creative a must have! post recession tho lol

Raf Simons...very creative a must have! post recession tho lol
All of these pieces are very unique and stylisH. yOU'rE gUranteeD TO GEt StoP n STarEed in these no matter where you are. The Purple Lanvins are a little older (fall o7 collection). Those DioRs are just (as playsis) would say AmaZEEN. tHE rAF SIMmonS astronaut kicks are also very raRE and not a lot of people are up on these, so like always clothesthecurtains.com is putting you up on game ahead of time. oH yeah make Sure YOur pockets won't be hurtin because all these pieces range from 400-600 reTAIL. eNJOY!
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