Heres what Hov had to say about the 2 ladies:
“As far as Foxy or Teairra Marì, these are people that I have given chances to. It’s understandable that they would be upset, but you got to look at it from my point of view as well. I gave Teairra Marì the same shot I gave Rihanna. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.”
“You know that stuff is going to happen, eventually it’s going to happen. What I’m happy about is, that no matter what people say, no one has ever said that I am dishonest or that I have taken one dime from them…I’ve never cheated anyone out of a dime. No one’s ever said that, right?”
Hmmm. We guess he means Roc-a-fella/Def Jam people, because those 40/40 club workers got cheated like some sh*t." Bossip.com
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