This vid is tuff...I mean its dedicated to Michael Jackson, so of course he had to have some hints of the Legend (glass breaking, this vid is like beat it mixed with bad)...two of my fav videos from the late great. This song has grown on me, and Omarion definitely delivered with this video, also check the cameo from his mom Ms. Leslie and LA rapper Jay-Rock..."I got my 501 jeans on with my hoodie on, all white v-neck clean, I turn my steeze on with my hoodie on" LOVE the simplicity and the dance moves r favs, my three fav dancers right now is Usher, Chris Brown, and Omarion they all need to do a song and video together.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Chapter Seventy Eight: Corinne Bailey Rae Returns with "I'd do it all again"
I'm a really big fan of Rae, when I think of her first album I imagine trains and winter, simply because I used to play it EVERYday on my way to work in the cold and on the train...its a great memory. Its evident she took some time off since the passing of her husband and now shes back with her new single and forthcoming album entitled "The Sea". This song is very bittersweet, tinged with some sadness and hope it really puts you in another place " You did it all again, you broke another skin its hard to believe this time its hard to believe that my heart, my hearts an open door, you've got all you came for" . The video I'm just breathless sometimes the simplest concept can do that to you. Can't wait to buy her music it puts me at ease, check out the video and post your thoughts :)
Corinne Bailey Rae "I'd Do It All Again"
Corinne Bailey Rae | MySpace Music Videos
Corinne Bailey Rae "I'd Do It All Again"
Corinne Bailey Rae | MySpace Music Videos
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Chapter Seventy Seven: Accessorize >>>Lanvin Necklace X 3.1 Philip Lim Gloves X A.P.C. Scarf...I need these!

This the season for gift giving so I hope my loves are paying attention. First up is the Lanvin necklace I love the colors and I want the purple 1 :) up is the Philip Lim studded short glove, these are so awesome...Im really digging leather gloves as I have a few myself but these surpass some I have seen...sickkkkkkkk o last but not least the scarf by A.P.C. lately its been really cold in ATL so I need this lol matter fact ALL of the items, Thank YOU lol :) What you Curtainflies think?
Monday, November 16, 2009
Chapter Seventy Six: Finally New MUSEc vid Alicia Keys>>>"Try sleeping with a broken Heart"
I love love love love this song, and the video which shows Alicia Keys as a woman with powers, but it seems her powers keep her away from the one she loves. Love the way it was shot just like a comic book. Her bod is to dieeeeeeeeeeeee for, album titled The Element of Freedom, I cant wait to buy it ....check out the video in the mean time :)
Friday, November 13, 2009
Scene One: Rebel MUSEc Vid>>>> LMFAO X Lil Jon
shots shots shots SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS shots shots shots shots EVERYBODY! Love these guys...always a ball of fun :) "The ladies love us when we pour shots, they need an excuse to s*ck our c*cks" lmfffaooo literally btw how many vids show n tell us the ingredients 4 drinks DOPE!
Chapter Seventy Five: New Rebel MUSEc>>> Rihanna
Ughh I love this girl, as you know I don't indulge with the messy, I just focus on the positive n I have a question WHY is this bish ALWAYS a Fierce Kitty lol love this video and the song def grew on me, she also has the fine ass new doctor from Greys Anatomy in her video. Also check out this new song i found>>>> Cold case love "Release me now cuz I did my time of this cold case hearts no longer cold and confined I've had enuff" loves it I might buy this album afterall :)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Scene Two: Rebel MUSEc VID>>>Leighton Meester X Robin Thicke- Somebody to LOVE
Love this song, Love Blair oops I always call her by her Gossip Girl name is sexy Robin Thicke is sexy ooo too much sex for me =0 "Give me the key to your heart, I can give you what you want when you're waiting for love And you're looking for someone Imma turn this gossip girl into a woman"
Chapter Seventy Four: Diddy X Dirty Money> "Love comes uʍop"
Ok they took me back to the Bad Boy era Total, Mase, Biggie etc>> lights, flash and dance feel of the 90's loving it, and coming from me that's a plus because I really don't like Diddy like that, but you cant knock Great shit :) enjoy Love the Black and White fits too clean! oo follow me on
Friday, October 30, 2009
Chapter Seventy Three: NEW REbelMUSEc>>> Alicia Keys X Try Sleeping with a Broken Heart
I am in utter ǝʌol with this song its her second single off the highly anticipated album Elements Of Freedom this is just>>>> AKeys
Btw I could care less about the supposed "scandal", noone walking on this earth is perfect and we must never judge tho some do, to each is own...shes an amazeen ARTIST and that's whats most important.and you cant take that away from her. Listen below
¡ǝdop uıʞʞnɟ>>>>GITD LookBOOK ***UPdate
***Ok apparently Kanye West used his powers to remove the images so just watch the vid and go out and buy the book if your interested. Did u guys see the whole gallery go here >>>> GITD
check out the Promo vid below, I'm in ǝʌol with it all :)
check out the Promo vid below, I'm in ǝʌol with it all :)
KANYE WEST "Glow in the Dark" book promo by: NABIL from nabil elderkin on Vimeo.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Scene One: Whatcha Say X JR and Friends
Ok I just posted the original song & video by Jason Derulo sampled by Imogen
Heap's "hide and seek" here is the remake by these talented people..that girls voice is amaze :) and the instrumentation to die for check it below
Heap's "hide and seek" here is the remake by these talented people..that girls voice is amaze :) and the instrumentation to die for check it below
Chapter Seventy Two: #MusicTuesdays: Raheem X CB X India
Here is some vids and a song that will help me get thru today...hope you enjoy the PEACE of India Arie, the DANCE of Chris Brown and the TRUTH of Raheem Devaughn...
Beautiful - India.Arie
Beautiful - India.Arie
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Chapter Seventy One: Remember...Iceberg Well check out some Fall 2009 pieces
I remember when I was younger I had a couple of pieces of Iceberg, I would go to Daffy's and cop..I remember these pink jeans I had (it made my ass look so nice&fat btw) loll imma take a pic, but Iceberg was the shit..and Im glad their back with some ill pieces look they even brought back the cartoons Love Love Love...more upscale also..check it out and the rest of the collection here for men. *O heres my pic PINKJEANS
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Chapter Seventy: Omarion X Gucci Mane "I Get it In"

If you been following the blog then you would know if I like an artist that's it Im gonna remain a fan. I just dont like someone one day and when they leave the spotlight I forget about them, with Omarion I always liked him he's charismatic, can perform, and his boyish looks are irrestible he has released his album cover art for the new album Ollusion and a sneak peak of the "I get it in" video LOVE this song check it out...Leave COMMENTS and follow the blog much appreciated :)
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Scene One: "We Were Once A Fairytale"- by Kanye West> Directed Spike Jonze
Perfect time to drop some shit to remind me why I like this kid....Kanye West and Spike Jonze: "We Were Once a Fairytale" short film loving this :) True emotion and 808's and Heartbreak is one of my fav albums...."A Heartbreak is a life sentence"-DARLINGdra
"We Were Once A Fairytale" - Kanye West Dir: Spike Jonze from Yooj‽ on Vimeo.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Chapter Sixty Nine: Smart Guy is a Sexy Talented, Positive, Gourg MAN Now. CTC presents:Tahj Mowry
I love this family definition of talent, all of them being child stars and merging throughout adulthood without one controversy, role models def. I've been following Tia Mowry on the popular show The Game, Tamera been getting that Disney its Tahj's turn to shine once again with his new hot single "Kick it out" feat Flo-Rida and The Boom Boom Satellites (I know this song is gonna be huge btw), whats crazy is I remember watching Smart Guy and this was the episode when Destiny Child was on there and he was dancing, and I was like this guy is gonna be a problem he has such star quality and now the time has arrived....This kid can dance, sing, act, can dress his ass off, and is super sweet and down to earth. I cant wait till the video and album drop....Get a load of him, cause I am...check the vids of him dancing (can really move) and him singing Dirty Diana by MJ who heavily inspires him. Take OVER baby :)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Scene Four: Melanie Fiona Performs in New York
If your from New York you know what riding in the subways and being in the city is like one word an EXPERIENCE.....and if your not from NY trust its very RAW...talented singer Melanie Fiona who hails from Canada performs with some talented street performers (love the steel pans, yes that's a Trinidadian instrument YAYY, the Bucket player, the human orchesta, ) and gives you a view of what New York is about LOVE this. Check her perform Sad Songs, Please don't go (cry baby), and Bang Bang def waitin for her album LOVE her RAW talent
Scene Three: Jason Derulo- Whatcha Say
I don't know how many of my readers know that I attend school in Atlanta, Georgia but I was born and raised and rep New York...and since I moved here I don't listen to ATL radio (I guess i am bias) but thanks to my blackberry app iheartradio I get to listen to New York radio stations 105.1 and z100. So to make a long story short while listening to z100 I came across this song by a kid named Jason Derulo you know some songs just sound so good to your ears this is it Produced by J.R. Rotem (responsible for Sean Kingston) I'm sure u guys heard it well here is the video
Scene Two: Black Eyed Peas> Meet Me halfway
When I first listened to The E.N.D this is the song THAT automatically grasped me ...with that being said they finally shot a video for it, I love know whats funny I will never forget when they officially came out the only place you would see their video was on Rap City on BET now they get NO play on BET hmmm back then I guess they was considered a "Hip Hop" group then they added Fergie and BOOP! POP sensation :). Makes me wonder now that N.E.R.D added a female to their group will that formula work for them? We shall see anyway check the out of this world vid.
Scene One: IT SHIT!.. BOOTS For Fall..Do IT
Whether it be tall, short, heel, flat, BIG, small, combat, booties, worn and torn, thigh high...Boots are always in for fall...whether it be Timberlands, Doc Martens, Raf Simons, Marc Jacobs, Alexander Wang, Polo, Alexander McQueen etc. Whether it be with skirts, dresses, skinnies, tights...Its whats in for both male and female....check out some that caught my EYEspy..Im a huge fan of boots as I wear them all season YES in the summertime also loll.. FYI: Click on the pics to make LARGER. All shoes in pics, the brand is listed above :)
Chapter Sixty Eight: New MUSEc>>>SEX Therapy by Robin Thicke + So COLD by Chris Brown
Produced by Polow da Don....super duper sexy "Take your legs wide about your neck, you don't have to sing in the rain I'll get you wet" *floats away*his falsetto is amazeeen....
"Damn my babys really gone, I dont know if shes coming home, my lucks up I fucked up" ok Chris Brown another plea...this is the music I live for...Heartfelt begging songs loll
Thursday, October 8, 2009
My LIFE: DARLINGdra...Feet Up, Brain Down...ME!

So sometimes...well all the time I love to take pictures, of random things, friends, family, anything that intrigues ME. I love to keep my blog personal. Ex: Not only talking fashion and music more like other random shit about ME...these pics I took a lil over a week ago it was one of those LONG and HARD days *get ya mind out the gutter* lol school was busting my brain and hey I took some pics...What I wore? Doc Martens, Fire Red leather Gloves by...vintage Grey cardigan with leather shoulders, this is what you call relaxing :) ENJOY
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Chapter Sixty Seven: Ryan Leslie>>> Transition Album Cover
I really really love this guy his all around energy is talented. FYI: Are you aware he will star in a super group with Fabolous and Ne-Yo oommGee....cannot wait for that automatic CLASSIC! also check out a song (below) he performed at his Rising Icons..."Never gonna break up" "I hope you yearn for me, hoping that your loneliness burns for me, cause I'm ok now give me time I'm a show you how i get down, imma get the finest clothes i can find on retail, and I try to pay attention to every single detail" love this song :P
Friday, September 25, 2009
Scene One: Shes Your "Queen to Be" via *Coming to America the movie lol
Chapter Sixty Six: "It Kills">>>Melanie Fiona *Updated*
My f'n Bish...repping Canada and Guyana she comes with her latest video "It kills Me" umm Roc Nation where was her promo, wtf I'm hearing her album The Bridge
dropped today wtf aginn smh...Im bout to hop in the whip n cop
drops November 3rd
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Scene One: Nicki Minaj Honey Mag Interview
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